Hello everyone,
Have you ever wondered why your prayers aren't being answered? Have you ever felt like God has turned His back on you? Have you ever been mad at God? Do you want to understand how prayer, faith and spirituality work? Well...this is the blog that you should follow.
Times are harder than they have ever been. People are losing their homes, jobs and families. During these hard times, we see more and more people turning to God and turning away from God. Both groups of people have used prayer as a means of communicating with God.
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to connect with God. People pray for themselves, family, friends and sometimes strangers. God loves when we come to Him. He wants us to seek Him. Matthew 7:8 says,
7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened.
A lot of people find confusion with this verse, because they feel they have asked, seeked and knocked, but their prayers are not being answered. We all know that our time is not God's time. We've all heard that God won't give us more than we can handle. However, we question God's timing and burdens that are put upon us.
Those people who are turning to God are hoping and believing that God will see them through their hard times. What do we call this? We call this Faith. Faith is defined as:
Belief and trust in and loyalty to God (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faith)
The purpose of this blog is to explore Prayer, Faith and Spirituality. My hope is to find answers to the questions we all have as we pursue a relationship with God. I will be looking at different preachers, priests and different religious areas to help us understand why prayer and faith seem to work in some situations and not work in others. I'm also hoping to show you through my life's adventures how God is guiding and blessing me. In the end, I'm hoping to increase your knowledge of prayer, faith and spirituality. I'm also hoping to help myself in this process.
God bless everyone.
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