Well, my mother and I have started praying together. We used to just pray silently, now we speak our prayers out loud. I have to admit that I slowly see some changes. For instance, I have had about 5 over-the-phone interviews this month. I had one face-to-face interview this month. Unfortunately, nothing has come of these interviews, but I'm hopeful that I will have a job soon.
My mother, on the other hand, has found an organization that is helping her find a job. PRAISE THE LORD. This organization has set my mother up with "training" that is paid. They pay her for part-time work. She's found a resource that will allow us to talk to an attorney about paying our gas and electric bill for a small fee. This fee also will be paid by the organization my mother is in. The attorney can halt the gas/electric company from turning off our services. I'll let you know how this goes for us.
My mother and I are believing in Matthew 18:19-20. We are praying together and agreeing in prayer together. We believe that our prayers are more powerful based on Matthew 18:19-20. God has promised that if we follow this, He will answer our prayers. I have faith that God will honor His word, and I cannot wait to tell you the answers that He is going to provide for us.
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