One of the biggest questions people have is, "Why are some prayers not answered?" If you do a search on this question, you will find many websites dedicated to answering this question. There are some that believe that answers aren't forthcoming, because we haven't forgiven those that have wronged us. There are some that believe we aren't praying in accordance to God's will.
My answer to the question of "Why are some prayers not answered?" is that I don't believe that God doesn't answer prayers. I believe He answers all prayers....just not the way we always want Him to answer. I like to put a positive spin on things, so I know that there are times when God does say no to a prayer. I like to believe that God's no means that there is something better that He has in store.
I also know that our prayers aren't immediately answered. I truly believe that God allows you time before you receive His blessing to be prepared for what He has for you. Maybe you are praying for a husband or wife. Your prayer may not be answered immediately, because God wants you to mature before He blesses you with the spouse He has for you. Maybe you are praying for a money blessing. God could be putting things in place, so that you don't spend your money frivolously. We just have to go by faith and know that God has His reasons for not answering immediately.
Now, there are those wonderful, miraculous times when God answers our prayers immediately. We all love these moments in our lives. Feeling God's favor is the most amazing thing in the world. It's like God is giving you a hug.
I'm currently in the waiting period of getting my prayers answered. I'm hoping and praying that God will bring me and my mother a major money blessing. We are also hoping and praying for jobs...soon. It's a scary time for the both of us. We are facing trials that we never thought we would go through. I can't deny that my faith is taking a beating right now. I'm scared. My mother is scared, but we are learning to be thankful for the blessings that God has given us while we wait for God's answers...and I know He is going to amaze us with His answers. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!1 John 5:14-15 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we ask of Him."