Well...the interview did not go as I had hoped. First, let me explain that I received a phone call last week, regarding a position for a Business Analyst position. It seemed to be perfect for me. They needed someone who knew SQL. They needed someone who had experience with reporting tools. I have both. I was so excited, so I scheduled the interview for Friday, January 22, 2010.
I had a whole week to prepare. I was so nervous, because I found out that I would have to take a test on SQL. Now, I know SQL, but I haven't used it in a while. I pulled out my book, and I got online to study.
I started praying to God that I only wanted this position if He wanted it for me. I had to constantly stop my self from praying the selfish prayer. You know the one..."God, I don't care. I need this job. Just make it for me." prayer. I took what I like to call "The Road of Faith". I was going to leave this in God's hands.
Well...I had the interview, and it was not as I had hoped. Yes...They needed someone who knew SQL, but it was imperative that the person knew PL/SQL. Unfortunately, I don't know PL/SQL. Guess what? The whole test was about PL/SQL. I was so disappointed, because I started to envision all of the things that I was going to do once I got this job.
Now, I allowed myself a period of time to vent and be mad. I think we all deserve this. I called a friend to tell him that I was mad that they called me in when they knew they needed someone with PL/SQL skills. I was mad, because this company had my resume for almost 3 weeks, and they knew I did not have PL/SQL. Finally, I was mad, because I wasted time worrying, studying...and just wasted time.
Now, it's the day after the interview, and I have to get myself back on track spiritually. I have to get back to being thankful. You know what? I thank God that He did not allow me to get this job. I have a feeling that it would be too much pressure for me. I thank God that I had the interview, because it helps me to prepare for future interviews. I thank God that He never left my side, because I know that He has something wonderful in store for my future.
I'm sharing this to let you know that you have to stay strong through the disappointments. Sometimes I think God wants to see that we will keep that faith no matter what. There are going to be hard times...God never promised a life of roses, but He did promise to be with us no matter what.
"Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: the unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day." (Lamentations 3: 21-23).
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