I know I haven't blogged since October. I don't know why. I can tell you that I have been praying.
Do you wonder what I pray for? Well, I pray for God's favor, mercy, blessings and grace. I think that pretty much covers everything.
I went to a discussion board with a discussion titled, "There has to be more." Whenever I look at my life, I think the the same thing..."There has to be more".
If you were to look at my life, you would say that I did all of the "right" things. I've always stayed out of trouble. I went to college. I graduated with two degrees. I thought my life would wonderful. I envisioned a life with a professional husband, a set of twins and a beautiful home w/a fireplace in the bedroom. I cannot believe that I live at home with my mother, I'm unemployed, and I don't date.
Now, some people would give up by now. No...not me. I have faith. Why? I truly believe that God is guiding me. He's here with me. There are times when I feel overjoyed, and I just have to praise Him. You probably are wondering why I'm praising Him when nothing has changed in my life. In fact, my life seems to be worse than before. Let me answer you by saying, I get this feeling inside. I feel like everything is going to be OK. Actually, I feel like my best days are ahead of me for no reason at all. Guess what this is? It's called FAITH. It's believing in God without seeing, and know that God is going to take care of everything.
A verse in the Bible that has been helping me through the hard times is "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:8) When I look back on my life, I have to admit that there were some hard....you could even call them horrible times. God has seen me through all of this. I know He will see me through this trial I'm going through now.
(Philippians 4:13) I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
I will survive. I will post my victories here. You all will see how God has worked His miracles in my life.
God bless.